Day 106d: The Power of the Heart … (July 29, 2019)

One of the guidelines I had followed from the beginning of this Walk was the “no hoarding” rule – a principle that demanded that any gifts of food be either immediately eaten, given to someone else, or discarded.* And it was the latter option that ruled the day on this morning – seeing as how I was too full from the monastery’s lovely breakfast to myself ingest the rice & veggie leftovers that Micheele had given me “for the road”, and seeing as how there were no other pilgrims out & about to whom I could offer the same. And so it was that I emptied the given container’s contents by the side of the path (for any & all of my local nonhuman resident-friends to enjoy) and continued merrily on my journey – all the way to the village of Ozon, where a wonderful older lady selling bracelets by the side of the path asked me about my Walk and responded to the same by offering me two of the small apples she had brought along to be her own repast that day …

We’re all in this human experience together, so let’s strive each day to be kind, gracious, and compassionate towards each other … Indeed, it is that graciousness that carries us through life and that makes us most attractive & worthy. In truth our most potent influence upon others & our surroundings has nothing to do with how old we are or how beautiful we are, or how alluring our smiles or form-fitting our outfits. No, by far the most Power we all possess is the Power that pours forth from the Heart.” ~ inspired by Kailin Gow & Stevie Nicks

*I followed this guideline for several reasons, among them A) to continually re-fortify both my Faith in humanity & my humble place amongst the same, B) to give everyone I met an unencumbered opportunity to selflessly Give to a “pilgrim in need” (and thereby themselves rediscover the Joy only know by those who do likewise), and C) to myself Walk the Bigger Talk – to more fully adhere to the St. Franciscan principle that “it is better to give than receive; better to love than seek to be loved; better to serve than look to be served.”