Day 099h: The archetypes of Amour … (July 22, 2019)

I deeply adored most of the stained-glass windows I encountered in many of the churches along my Walk, and yet there was something especially Beauty-full (and deeply Meaning-full* as well) about those I saw here in Palas de Rei …

“Half the people in the world think that the metaphors of their religious traditions are abject facts, and the other half contends that the same are completely fallacious. As a result we have many people who consider themselves believers because they accept the symbolic truths of their religion as facts, and we have more than a few others who classify themselves as atheists because they believe that the same religious symbols are delusional. Of course, as is so often the case in matters of greater weight or importance, the Truth here resides in between these two extremes – with religious stories & archetypes indeed being far more often than not metaphorical, AND the same simultaneously reflecting profound truths that are perfectly pragmatic when applied in everyday living.” ~ inspired by Joseph Campbell

*Grapes is symbolic of the “wine” mentioned by Jesus – a drought that itself symbolized a Love for others that was perfectly unconditional & fully limitless; given without pause or reservation to friend & stranger & enemy alike … Wheat is symbolic of the “bread” mentioned by Jesus – the sustenance that itself symbolized perfect acts of caring generosity & abject kindness; selflessly offered even to the point of willing self-sacrifice or intentional self-detriment … The Chalice is symbolic of the regular imbibing (i.e. the frequent actualization) of the former two, and the Alpha & the Omega note that this Ways of being is meant to be the central Truth of our entire Lives.