Day 099i: To let the Soul shine onward … (July 22, 2019)

Shortly thereafter I saw Nicole from Fuente del Peregrino on my way out of town. She told me that she had been thinking deeply about our earlier conversation – about the stark differences between the humbly caring & delightfully selfless Way of Christ and the arrogantly judgmental & blatantly self-absorbing Path of Paul – and she became visibly upset when I gently and nonjudgmentally shared that the folks at that hostel had offered me much of the latter and very little of the former. In fact, she was so upended by this news that she immediately showered me with all the food she had left for that day (!!!) – food which we shared together before continuing on our respective holy ways …

Shine your Soul with the same egoless humility as the rainbow, and no matter where you go – in this world or the next – you will bring Love to the others you meet, and you yourself will know Peace.” ~ inspired by Aberjhani