Day 099g: Peaceful pause, Peace-full thoughts … (July 22, 2019)

I eventually made it to the town of Palas de Rei and hunkered down a bit in its lovely pathside church; realizing while I did so that the hyper-materialization of this final stretch of the Camino might well mean that I will receive little to no offers of food sustenance for the final 83km until Santiago, AND I realize at almost the same time that I am completely & even Peace-fully OK with this possibility. After all, this pilgrimage is being walked solely for others, and it truly matters not where I have to sleep or how little I get to eat while walking it. The spontaneously heartfelt resolve of this deeper understanding was profoundly calming, to say the least, and probably made my prayers for the Highest Good (if not the full-fledged health) of all the world’s sufferers* that much more potent thereafter …

Your thoughts mold your words, your words mold your intentions, your intentions mold your deeds, your actions mold your habits, and your habits crystallize into your character. So tend to your thoughts the thoughts with care by making them caring. Let them all spring forth from a Love born out of compassion for all beings. For just as the shadow follows the body, as we think so we become.” ~ via G. Buddha (Dhammapada)

*specifically Antoine (first heard about in St. Privat), Daniel (first heard about in Espalais), and Jacques (first heard about in Beduer) – along with all those who care for them & love them …