Day 099b: Synopsis in the Symbols … (July 22, 2019)

I made it smoothly enough to & into & through the tiny village of Hospital de la Cruz and then onward to the town of Ventas de Naron, where the locked doors of its tiny pathside chapel were emblazoned with three symbols* that shared all that its inner sanctuary could ever hope to tell …

A man’s ethical behavior should be based fundamentally on compassion, justice, generosity and kindness; no religious basis is necessary whatsoever. In truth, a man is indeed in a most poor way if he must be restrained by fear of punishment after death or motivated by hope of a postmortem reward.”
~ Albert Einstein

My country is the entire world, and my religion is to Do Good for any & all I meet.” ~ via Thomas Paine

If you understand these things I have taught you [i.e. his teachings on selfless Love], you will be blessed while you Do them for others … Indeed, by this everyone will know that you are truly my disciples: When you show Love towards one another.” ~ Jesus Christ (John 13:17 & John 13:35)

*The scallop shell was, of course, the primary symbol of the Camino itself (and also reflected the Truth that every unique path walked by any sincerer seeker is essentially an interconnected tributary of Life’s One Path) … The chalice was, of course, a primary symbol of Christianity (more purely, the portion of Jesus’ teachings that encouraged everyone to “drink”/embody the “blood” the perfection of his limitless Love by serving others humbly & selflessly) … And the cross is, of course, the foundation of Christinity itself (especially in the way its archetypes combine to reflect the essential teaching of Jesus – namely, that the only way to re-establish oneself as a Whole Human by re-establishing the connection between Father & Son & Holy Spirit [the cross’s vertical axis] was to unify the left hand of humble appreciation for Life with the right hand of joyful self-sacrifice for others [the cross’ horizontal spar]).