Day 099c: Walking smoothly; Living fully … (July 22, 2019)

Many people know that pilgrimage is not about distances covered or destinations achieved, and yet what most folks don’t understand is that pilgrimage is not about slowness of tempo either. In truth, it doesn’t matter that you walk slowly as a pilgrim – it only matters that you walk just slowly enough to be fully attentive to where you are walking. Pilgrimage is not about moving slowly – pilgrimage is about cleaving perfectly to time itself; bonding with the moment so closely that seconds fall smoothly one by one, drop by drop by drop – like the steady dripping of water from a melting icicle in the early Spring. Attending fully to where one is and how one is moving through space always tends to deepen that space and stretch time itself. This is one of the most profound secrets of meaningful walking: a slow approach to landscapes that fluidly renders them ever wondrous. This is what it means to be a pilgrim – and this is what it means to live life fully.” ~ inspired by Frédéric Gros