Day 099a: Into the next new day … (July 22, 2019)

I woke this day quite early (as usual) after an average night’s rest, dressed & packed up quite quietly (also as usual) after a small stint of writing, took another Ibuprofen pill for my hurting back (not so usual) after I found it difficult to stand, and then slowly ambled out into the cool morning gloam – feeling a bit worn down and uncomfortable, and yet still fully motivated to continue along The Way …

No pain that we suffer, no trial or tribulation that we experience, is ever truly wasted. For the same always at the very least minister to our spiritual education, to the steady evolution of such higher qualities as patience, courage, fortitude and humility. In truth, all that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it willingly – if not joyfully – for the sake of a cause greater than ourselves, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, re-ignites our souls, and expands our tendencies towards tenderness and charity – in essence making us ever more worthy to be called the Children of God.” ~ via Orson F. Whitney