Day 098s: Surrounded by the sacred; blinded by the profane … (July 21, 2019)

And then I came across yet another “faux donativo”, this time one inhabited by an overly gregarious gaggle of Italian pilgrims – pilgrims who were interested in my Walk only as an opportunity for their next selfie; only as yet another story they could tell their friends back home. And yet even though they took the necessary picture with me and gathered just enough information to one day soon tell that “amazing” tale, they never once paused to SEE where they truly were – or with whom they were sharing The Way; not even to notice that they themselves were the stories they were looking for; not even to realize that their own True Selves were to most noteworthy pilgrims of all …

The true pilgrim knows that Life itself is the journey, and we are all here not to arrive at its end, but rather to inspire each other – to touch each other’s hearts along the way.” ~ via Avijeet Das

Can a generation that knows only how to travel ever teach any other generation how to arrive?” ~ via Ursula K. Le Guin