Day 098r: To honor the Walk by pausing … (July 21, 2019)

After walking into & through the small towns of Ferreiros & Mirallos, and despite my hunger & thirst & fatigue not feeling in any way called to pause there, I soon came upon the waymarker that told me there was only 100km left to go until Santiago. And here I did briefly pause. Yes, 100km is just a number, it’s true – just an almost random stretch of The Way I had been walking for the previous 98 days. And yet it was also a number that represented how far I had come in that time – a stretch of The Way so much smaller than the 2500+km I had already walked to that point. 2500+ kilometers – a number that was almost beyond belief, truly. And so it was here that I paused for a time; to reflect upon where I started; to remember how far I had come; and to honor the far greater Why of it all … And after I had reflected and remembered the same, I chose to continue honoring that same Why – by continuing to walk that same Way …

Especially in relation to effusions of compassion & generosity, simply minimizing the difference most men feel between what they do and what they are indeed readily capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems.” ~ inspired by Mahatma Gandhi