Day 098q: To LOVE while Living … (July 21, 2019)

I walked thereafter through a long series of unidentified small villages through the stiflingly hot & dusty afternoon; finally coming to the first of many “faux donativo” stands I would encounter over the course of the next few days – stands that purported to be actual donativos (i.e. pure offerings to pilgrims, whereby the traveler took only what he or she needed and paid only what he or she could afford, even if the former was more than a handful and even if the latter was nothing at all), and yet food stands that (even though no prices were directly listed on any of their items, and even though “donativo” was often advertised nearby) were quite clearly (and often quite gruffly) run clearly & solely for profit. And so it was that I partook of nothing at all from the same – not even the cool shade that was indeed provided for free by the trees that happened to be nearby …

Be ever optimistic, my friends, for people and places both have so much more Good in them than ever meets eye or ear. So if they ever seem cold or cruel, don’t listen, don’t listen, don’t listen to them. Bring your ear instead to rest on your chest, and listen there: where the whole point is to Love while living.” ~ inspired by Toby Israel