Day 098t: Some not-so-Grace-full graffiti … (July 21, 2019)

And onward I walked into the blazing day, past some scrawled pathside graffiti first stating that “Jesus didn’t start walking in Sarria” and then claiming that “Jesus knows if you take a taxi.”* Funnily enough (I later thought), Jesus actually didn’t “start walking” from anywhere – and he sure as Hell wouldn’t give a damn if anyone took a cab!**

Pride must die all around you, or nothing of Heaven can live within you.” ~ via Andrew Murray

*There indeed was a soft-yet-palpable animosity from more than a few longer-distanced pilgrims towards those who “only” walked the final few kilometers, and especially towards those who “cheated” the same by taking taxis between several of the final few Camino towns along The Way … Odd, that – seeing as how the length of a particular pilgrimage has very little to do with its ultimate worth, and seeing as how the only ones being “cheated” by taking a taxi are those doing that taking.

**Both puns definitely intended … 😉