Day 097d: Marching with the Monument … (July 20, 2019)

The Monumento ao Peregrino at Alto de San Roque is a beautiful sculpture, located along the Camino about a half mail past the small town of Linares. The bronze sculpture, placed on The Way in 1993, was created by Galician sculptor José María Acuña and shows a medieval pilgrim steadfastly advancing along his pilgrimage despite severe challenges of route and wind and weather …

The Way is arduous & far, yes, and yet there is no journey upon this earth that a man may not make if he sets his heart to it fully. In truth there is nothing that he cannot do — there are no mountains he may not climb and there are no deserts he cannot cross if love leads him and he holds his life in his hand counting it as nothing, ready to keep it or to lose it for another as Providence might at any moment demand.” ~ via H. Rider Haggard