Day 097c: Locked from without; freed from Within … (July 20, 2019)

Fittingly metaphorical (both for this particularly painful day as well as for human history of religion in general) the tiny church in the small town of Linares was simultaneously beautiful to behold and impossible to enter.

The deeper we grow in the Spirit of Christ, the poorer we become, and the more we simultaneously separate from the dogmas of the church while immersing ourselves in the realization that everything in life is a gift; that every moment is an opportunity to serve. And when the latter awakening finally takes full hold, the tenor of our lives becomes one of humbly joyful & surroundings-permeating thanksgiving. Awareness of our poverty of both means & understanding causes us to rejoice in the gift of being called out of the darkness of fear & longing into the wondrous light of selfless generosity– when the will of our loving Soul is clearly translated into the all-loving Kingdom of the Divine’s beloved Son.” ~ via Brennan Manning