Day 097e: A halted holdover in Hospital … (July 20, 2019)

I then arrived in the tiny village of Hospital. Still in a state of high fatigue, low spirits, and steadily shooting pain, I smiled at the thought of resting for longer than awhile in this aptly named hamlet. And yet rest was neither offered nor summoned on that mist-free morning, and so onward I limped into the dawn …

The faculty to think clearly is reason and the emotional attitude behind reason is humility. To be in any way objective, to use one’s reason with clarity, is possible only if one has achieved an attitude of humility, only if one has emerged from the fantasies of omniscience & omnipotence which one developed & embraced as a child. A real & selfless Love, being dependent on a complete absence of narcissism, requires the development of humility, objectivity and reason. And so it is that we must strive to accept situations as they are while recognizing the difference between our picture of a person’s beliefs & behaviors, as they are narcissistically delineated & distorted, and the person’s reality as it exists regardless of my interests, needs and fears.” ~ via Erich Fromm