Day 095h: Bathing in the Light of God … (July 18, 2019)

Onward I walked into the town of Camponaraya, where I paused at the Paroquia de San Ildefonoso – a church that proved once again that, just as a book cannot be properly judged by its cover – nor a person properly condemned by his or her indoctrinated ignorance (or even acquired wisdom), a building’s sense of Beauty & Peace are never fully evidenced by its external facade … πŸ˜‰

β€œThe invariable mark of wisdom is to ever be able to see the miraculous in the common. So look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time: thus will you ever see the wondrous in the banal, and thus will your time on Earth be ever filled with glory.” ~ inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson & Betty Smith

β€œPeople are a lot like stained-glass windows – they all easily sparkle & shine when the Sun is out, and yet when the darkness comes their true beauty is seen via the light that shines from within … In this vein, it is important to remember that everyone breathing is in some way broken, and that if you keep breathing light into them they will reform into a stained glass collage that will take your breath away. And so it is that we must all choose to shine forth our goodness with a firm-but-humble faith; so it is that we must become stained-glass windows of a sort – beings who refract God’s perfect Love into a glowing prism of diverse charities & unique kindnesses.” ~ inspired by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Ryan Lilly, and Marge Piercy