Day 095i: The Peace that is covered in Chaos … (July 18, 2019)

Newsflash: not all Sanctuaries are found in solitude, and not all Sanctuaries have four walls.

It is crucial to understand that solace is not meant to be an answer in & of itself, but is rather an invitation that opens – often through the door of pain and difficulty – to the innately profound & simultaneous beauty of the world. As such, solace does not provide us answers so much as it asks us the direct and forceful question: Above all, how will you shape a life equal to and as beautiful and as astonishing as the glorious world that birthed you? How will you choose to uniquely give back the gifts & talents with which you have been just as uniquely blessed? My fellow journeymen, look upon the chaos & the sadness that is ever nearby and choose to become menders thereof!” ~ inspired by David Whyte & Rosemary Sutcliff