Day 095g: Witnessing the Way-walker … (July 18, 2019)

I then continued onward only a bit further through the town of Fuentesnuevas to its church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (Our Lady of the Assumption) – a place that radiated much of the Peace of The Way of its professed Lord & Savior, and very little of the concerning condemnations professed by the Catholic church that so rudely appropriated (and has since so often tainted) the same …

There can be little doubt that Jesus would have gladly given his life for any single person. Indeed, the Gospels show quite clearly that he regularly & fully emptied himself for the betterment of all others; that he humbled himself and so yielded himself to the perfect, unconditional, self-sacrificial Love of his celestial Father that he ended up with no ambitions of his own. He was not looking to be worshiped, or raised up, or lauded, or rule an empire. He did not want any praise or adulation or to be impressive via who or how many followed him. No, we see him stopping over and over and over again for just one person, for just one life – often those lives that were most dismissed or intensely denigrated. And all he asked of us in return was that we go forth a d do likewise.” ~ Heidi Baker