Day 095f: Ever together as ONE … (July 18, 2019)

A common site along The Way – pilgrims from all over the world gathered together as One …

How beautiful it is to get up and go out and do something – anything – for others. We aren’t here on Earth just to selfishly fart around. We are here to be actively generous with our gifts and openly kind with our demeanor – and don’t you let anybody tell you any different … Indeed, if we want to decode our community’s deepest-seated fibers, we must delve deeply into the same. We must go and see all its many worlds and explore all its significant distinctions and resemblances. In truth, the only way we can ever hope to rediscover our own inner selves and accurately comprehend our own internal murmurings, we must first & foremost learn to reach out boldly to all others nearby.” ~ inspired by Kurt Vonnegut & Erik Pevemagie