Day 094b: Back by the Sanctuary … (July 17, 2019)

On my way out of town I stopped once more into the powerfully solace-filled San Salvador del Monte Irago Monastery (where I had been blessed to spiritually soak up an amazing Gregorian chanted mass the night before – saying prayers for peace for all who were suffering, and heartfelt offerings of gratitude for the providence that continued to guide my Way. And so it was that I fluidly made it back to The Road once more – once more with a heart filled with Joy; once more on legs made light with Purpose.

The world is so exquisite – filled with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with smaller stories for which there’s little objective evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our neophyte vulnerability, is for us all to look our death directly in the eye and be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity we each have to be alive.” ~ via Carl Sagan

How fortunate we are to be able to choose kindness over safety and generosity over self-preservation. How graced we all are to be but fluid resemblances, not concrete replications, of who we were in days before.” ~ unknown