Day 094a: A mellow morning with Matt … (July 17, 2019)

I woke after a great night’s sleep and shared and easy, peaceful breakfast with Kim and my other house-guest, Matt – grateful to the former for her gracious hospitality, and grateful to the latter for his gentle kindness. Even though there is without a doubt a very real “pandemic of selfishness” in the world these days (much of it manifesting itself in the many forms of subtle “faux-kindness” that ooze forth from the seemingly kind – those who champion “caring first for one’s self” &/or “establishing healthy boundaries” &/or “manifesting abundance” &/or simply “learning to be in the moment”), there are truly Good Folk out there; people who truly do want to spend their lives making this world a better, more harmonious place.

While the works of James Herlihy seem to imply that we should all go forth to seek and find those who are worthy of our love (i.e. to ‘see whose face God is wearing today’), the true Child of God goes forth each morning fully understanding that God is fully manifest in every single sentient being he or she encounters thereafter. Yes, the human body is indeed a temporary container for the Soul, and yet this truth does not mean we are to choose to ‘just be’ or ‘sit in the now’ or ‘go within’ to ‘find one’s self.’ To the contrary, it is precisely because we have been given to little time in this priceless existence that we have been called to Love and care for and be recklessly generous with everyone we meet along the way.” ~ anonymous

We would do well to remember that most people are incredibly fragile these days, and that most political & religious conversations have become intellectually bankrupt as a result. We humans are smack dab in the middle of learning a Great Lesson, and we each need to enter each day completely ready to say YES to the same.” ~ via Matt