Day 093q: Sinking soulfully into a Boat of Stone … (July 16, 2019)

I then eased onward into Rabanal proper and just easily found The Stone Boat, the hostel owned & run by Kim (a mutual acquaintance of my fond friend Mia), who had known I was near and was already prepared to welcome me in with a happy smile and a warm heart …

Offering sanctuary to another is itself a revolutionary act. It expresses acceptance when others offer scorn or derision. It offers kindness, when others shun with fear or hatred. It recognizes a common humanity when others decry or deny or debase the same. Sanctuary says ‘we’ rather than ‘I’ and it is indiscriminate in announcing the same. It is an act of instilled belonging – the cornerstone of every community.” ~ inspired by Diane Kalen-Sukra