Day 091b: Reawakening the bigger Humble … (July 14, 2019)

To have real humility is to experience Reality, not in relation to ourselves, but rather in its all-encompassing & sacred interdependence. Humility is to see, to discern, and to act from the point of rest in ourselves – the same point of rest that is alive within everything around us at any given moment. It is in these times of clarity when much that is ego-driven delusion disappears, and much more that is Soul-founded truth falls into place. In this shared point of rest at the center of all beings we re-encounter a world where all things are simultaneously at rest in the same way while moving in harmony as one. In these moments every tree becomes a mystery, every cloud a revelation, every word of graffiti a sign from God, and every sentient being an entire cosmos of whose riches we can only catch the merest of scintillating glimpses. This life of simplicity is indeed simple, and yet it opens to us a tome in which we never get beyond the first syllable – nor do we ever need to.” ~ inspired by Dag Hammarskjöld