Day 091c: Sauntering into Sahagun … (July 14, 2019)

I always found it odd how there was rarely rhyme or reason as to to which stretches of The Way brought heartfelt connections to others and which brought only callous indifference; which towns reawakened a sense of profound community and which had me feeling more alone than ever. And so it was on this day that both formers were known – with the stretch of path just before the town of Sahagun having me connecting deeply with an Italian man and his teenage son, and with the otherwise unremarkable town of Sahagun itself (and the small group of pilgrims I met there) offering me a feeling of oneness and bonding that many other previous locales had kept hidden.

Sometimes the very best we can do is to boldly & warmly remind everyone we meet that we are all quite literally related; that even the most shadowy stranger is but a Soulmate we have yet to come to love & know.” ~ inspired by Rick Riordan & Mitch Albom