Day 091a: The Path as newly found Friend … (July 14, 2019)

I woke fully refreshed after 8+ hours of wonderful sleep, recharged my body with a fantastic bowl of corn flakes & hemp seeds & vegan coco-clusters, and then chatted a bit with Rebekah & Paddy* before once more heading back out onto The Road – back out onto an ancient-yet-ever-reborn route that seems to steadily maintain the same subtly friendly vibe as that emitted by a gently-loving-while-simultaneously-almost-aloof animal companion.

I wandered everywhere, through cities and countries wide. And everywhere I landed with kindness in my heart, the world was always on my side.” ~ via Roman Payne

*It bears duly noting that part of this conversation had Rebekah showing me the Facebook post she had written about me; a post that incorrectly stated that I was “living off the kindness of others.” You can rest assured that I gently informed her that this is exactly what I was NOT doing; that even though I was indeed still alive due to the unsolicited acts of kindness I had received, I was actually walking in such a way as to continually bring kindness to others, not to receive the same from them.