Sinking into Here&Now (February 11th) …

February 11Sinking into Here&Now: This morning, lie comfortably on the floor, breathing slowly and deeply for a few minutes. While doing so, breathe from your stomach, allowing it to gently rise and fall. Slowly close your eyes and sink consciously into the floor beneath you. Once you’ve “sunk” as deep as you can, remain there for forty seconds and then slowly “return”. Open your eyes, pause for a moment, and then slowly stand … Perform this exercise four (4) more times today (e.g. mid-morning, at lunchtime, mid-afternoon, and before going to bed). Bonus Activity: When at your “deepest place” in the exercise, use the forty seconds there to engage in visualizations of Gratitude (for your Life’s past & current Blessings) and/or visions of Willingness (i.e. See ways you can Serve others today &/or in the near future).

So, what does this one have to do with selfless service?

Well, it is impossible to consciously serve another unless you are first consciously aware of your own existence –

aware of yourself as a separate-yet-interconnected being,

aware of the “Wise Ones” of all times and cultures with whom you share a common Knowledge of pure Kindness,

and aware of the particular time & space in which you currently reside; the arena of Here&Now in which you can actualize that Self for the betterment of another(s).

So, with this in mind, awaken your ability to be a powerful Force for Love by awakening to this moment – and where you truly ARE.

See You when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
