Remembering true Kinship (February 10th) …

February 10Remembering True Kinship: All day today (at least once per hour), greet strangers warmly. Be the first to say “Hello” to them. Mention what a Wonder-full day it is and part company with a sincere “Peace be with you” … Be Kind whether they respond with kindness or not.

Our reptile brain has one primary desire: to keep us safe – to have us survive as long as possible as comfortably as possible. It is were to always have its say, we would hide from all strangers (which most of us do when we avert our gaze from them).

We would never form any new friendships.

Indeed, we would never express courageous kindness of any sort.

And yet, fortunately for us all (indeed, for the entire Universe), we are capable of so much more. We all have a functioning neocortex, which allows us all to pause in any particular moment, set those fear-based instincts aside, and choose to actively Care for others – even strangers.

And so, with this set of Truths in mind, go forth today (indeed for the rest of your life) and choose to be a powerful Force for Kindness.

See You when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
