Day 061q: Bathing in the Otherness … (06/14/2019)

And then I came to yet another church (in Figeac proper) — one that potently exuded the magisterial, and therein offered yet another Peace Prayer that was soaked in humility … 🙂

“Lord, release me from the belief that I must straighten out other peoples’ affairs, and keep me from the recital of endless details. Give me instead the wings to succinctly get to the point — and let that point always be a kind one. Grant me the patience to listen to the complaints of others, helping me to embrace them all with compassion & charity. And yet seal my lips regarding my own aches and pains and frustrations and discontents — for they all seem to increase with the increasing years, and my inclination to announce them aloud is also increasing alongside them … I ask not for improved memory, Lord, only for less self-assurance when my own memory doesn’t agree with that of others. And make me overtly gentle in all my dealings — allowing me to be sympathetic without being sentimental, and helpful but never bossy. Let me discover merits where I had not expected them, and talents in those whom I had not thought to possess many. And finally, my dear Lord, above all give me the openness to see the ever-present opportunities to care for those in need nearby, along with the courage required to act accordingly … Amen.” ~ anonymous

P.S. The awe-inspiring architecture of this church was exceeded only by the stunning beauty of its stained glass windows … :O