Day 061a: A truly Great Day … (06/14/2019)

I woke up nice & early as usual this morning, put on a pot of coffee for my three fellow pilgrims, made Rosy a lovely “Peace Stone” (that I later left on the kitchen table as a farewell gift), and sat for while in peace — watching the swallows take flight and gracefully swoop around & into the church tower across the street … 🙂 … I then shared my breakfast with Cindy and wrote late-sleeping Len a farewell note of his own before heading back out onto The Way.

It was a truly beautiful day today in so many ways — the majestically lush French landscape, the smoothness of that morning’s roadway, and especially the raw beauty of Mike & Cindy laughing heartily with each other as they walked on ahead of me. It was in all ways a Good day to be alive, and I was overflowing with gratitude as I walked onward through it … 😀

“Gorgeously amazing things are constantly entering into our lives — if we but simply learn to open up and see them. Mangoes, sunsets, Bach, and green meadows; smiles from strangers, hugs from friends, and caring encounters with all those downtrodden — all these and much more like them are blooming into being every minute of every day. And all we have been asked to do is to notice them — and all we have been blessed to do is interact with them in reverence. Unto us, so much has been given. All we have to do is walk through our lives with our hearts fully open for business.” ~ inspired by Anne Lamott