Day 60u: Rosy’s regal Reception … (06/13/2019)

Located directly across the way from Montredon’s stunning church was the Relais St. Michel, a donativo hostel that I had (quite ironically) heard about back in Livinhac from Andrea — who had off-puttingly (and somewhat condescendingly) mentioned it as being “quite different.” Well, he certainly was correct, for different it certainly proved to be — and that, in the most positive of ways!

For starters, unlike the vast majority of those in Livinhac who had turned me away &/or dismissed my cause &/or ridiculed my efforts, Rosy (the proprietress of the Relais) was incredibly warm and kind to me from the very first minute. In addition, she proved to be not only openly astounded by the nature of my Walk, but also effusively supportive of its mission of Peace. And it didn’t take two minutes after hearing about the same for her to usher me into her cozy residence and tell me to make myself at home for the night … :O

To make good things eveb better, Mike & Cindy were already out in the garden enjoying the setting sun when I arrived, and Len arrived shortly thereafter to complete that night’s most unmotly crew. And so it was that a delicious dinner was cooked (Rosy had brought me some pasta and tomato sauce and a can of mushrooms to cook, along with some fresh bread for breakfast the next morning) and hearty laughter was shared and profound conversation was enjoyed and lasting friendships were strengthened well into that quite glorious evening … 😀

“It doesn’t matter how you conceive of the Divine. It only matters that you see it in everything, and that you embrace everything accordingly.” ~ inspired by Eric Leventhal

P.S. This was a common sight at the end of most of my Walk’s days – me sitting down to compose this very tome, that I might one day be able to share it with you … 😀