Day 60m: Ever through the Glowing Door … (06/13/2019)

In no small part due to the less than welcoming vibe in Decazeville (a vibe that was enhanced somewhat by a lovely elderly couple who invited me inside their home for some cool water and some equally refreshing conversation), it didn’t take long for me to hike up and out of town — all the way to St. Roch; a lovely little subdivision that essentially overlooked the city, and the lovely little subdivision that housed an adorable chapel of the same name … 🙂

“If humanity had its way, our redemption would only come through endless, bloody conflict. Of course, in reality our greatest salvation is purchases not by the closed fist but the open hand; not by force but by acceptance; not by vengeance but by forgiveness; not by force but by service. Indeed all the great men & women of old have shown us that surrender is the only way to victory; that our enemies are vanquished only while caring for them, and that a meaningless life is only sanctified by a selfless death … Indeed, it is only our radical affection for the Divine residing within all others that can open the glowing portal to our own Salvation.” ~ inspired by A.W. Tozer & Shannon Alder