Day 60n: Trying not to merely try … (06/13/2019)

“With all things in life there is a constant need to let go of the idea of ‘trying hard.’ After all, there’s an innate heaviness to trying hard to get something, working hard to have something, or striving to be something. In truth, as long as people remain married to the idea of ‘trying hard’ they will constantly remain in a place of ultimately ineffective heaviness … And yet the opposite of this is the state of allowing, the state of setting out clear intentions and putting in the required action, yes, and yet also the state of refusing to limit, hamstring, or otherwise self-sabotage yourself by striving for expected results or hoped for outcomes. It is important to realize that anything that’s truly worth something in this life — like love and peace and joy and contentment — is in a continuous state of flux. As such, a state of detached & fluid lightness is the only way to allow yourself to find and embrace the flow of these things. The heaviness of striving only turns you into a rocky object stuck at the bottom of the stream. In such a state you can see the flow of things above and all around you, and yet you cannot participate in or harness the same … And so the question must be posed: Will you let go of yourself and embrace your life as it stands? Will you choose to move smoothly with the flow of all that is, or will you sink to the bottom of life’s river?” ~ inspired by Virgil Iordache