Day 60l: Deprecating in Decazeville … (06/13/2019)

In pilgrimage — just as in life — there are lessons being taught every single day. And in pilgrimage — just as in life — it is up to us to learn them; by not only having the humility to see them but also the courage to enliven them … And so it was for me today as I walked through the larger city of Decazeville; the only city on my entire Walk that I would still to this day judge as being “ugly”, and yet a city that — at least when seen from farther above — was Beauty-full all the same … 😀

P.S. As if you couldn’t tell already, metaphors abound in this post. Apply them all at your leisure … 😉

“There is nothing enlightened in being critical of a place or circumstance. True enlightenment is choosing to do good with whatever has been given, and to be kind towards any & all who cross our path. Similarly, there is nothing noble in feeling superior to your fellow man — however justified or rational those feelings might be. No, my friends, true nobility is choosing to be superior to your former self, by treating those same inferiored others as paupers would treat their king.” ~ inspired by Ernest Hemingway