Day 60k: Simmering on the Single-track … (06/13/2019)

One of the interesting things about any long-distance pilgrimage (or really any task undertaken under any extreme circumstances) is the way it exposes previously unregistered annoyances &/or “pet-peeves” … For me, it was surprising to learn how much I detested walking on hyper-thin trails that required me to walk balance-beam fashion down the trail — place one size-18 foot directly after the other, with my feet yipping and my hips wailing with every step … :O

I mean, I’m already in enough pain here, people. Can’t you at least make the path at least 2 feet wide?!?!? πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

β€œIt is the hardest thing of all, and yet it is the only thing that will show that you have chosen your one true path. And that thing is this: to know that you have failed, to know that your best efforts have been defeated, to not be able to stand that defeat and to feel as though you cannot go on — and yet you rise with a smile and go on nonetheless.” ~ via Silvia Hartmann