Day 60i: Dancing on the Downhill … (06/13/2019)

There is much to be said about transcending life’s difficulties — about putting one foot in front of the other until the steepest trail is crested or giving one hug after another until even the vilest of enemies is subdued. That having been said, there is meaning in life’s soother times as well — while reveling in the deep camaraderie of fast friendships or flowing easily down smoothly-graded slopes … 😀

“There are ultimately only two choices in life: to fight what is or to embrace the same. If you fight it (either by rejecting or trying to change what isn’t working for you, or by trying to prolong or intensify whatever is) you will inevitably lose & suffer. And yet if you embrace whatever is happening to & all around you — if you strive only to enhance its flow or gently join the same, then you instantly become one with all of life — and peace just as smoothly follows.” ~ inspired by Rasheed Ogunlaru