Day 60a: Winding down The Way … (06/13/2019)

There were frankly few things more enjoyable for me* than waking up early to slowly wind my way along narrow, moss-lined, cobble-stoned streets — down and out of whatever town in which I had spelt the night before; up and back onto The Way that continued to carried me to cities and soulmates “next” … 😀

“Work is inherently Good — and by ‘Work’ I mean any action that is done in harmony with the inclinations of your Soul. Whether it’s working with your hands to create a piece of art, or walking a pilgrimage forthrightly, or engaging in manual labor to serve another, meaningful Work always brings forth a sense of divinity at play — with the only prerequisite being that whatever the Work happens to be, it is done willingly & wholeheartedly & in full congruence with one’s innate understanding of kindness & decency. And when this is the in fact case, then, almost without any effort felt or strife perceived, one experiences a flow to one’s deeds. One remembers who one truly is — namely, an indelible facet of the entire Universe. One works the Work accordingly, and success always ensues.” ~ inspired by Kamand Kojouri

*A few of those “more enjoyable things” being: engaging in meaningful conversations with pilgrims & local residents alike, turning strangers into Friends, and — of course — reaching out to care for those in need … 😉