Day 60b: Nature undefeatable … (06/13/2019)

The ruins I saw along the Way always brought me a sense of profound solace — not only by inspiring me to imagine the rich stories of the anonymous Souls who once lived there, but by reminding me that no matter how much damage humanity does to the animals and the landscape and the planet as a whole, Nature has a far longer lifespan — and Nature always wins … 😀

“Young trees were growing up through the portions of the roof still standing, thick strands of ivy covered the walls they had long since shattered, and just as thick rows of moss & grasses rose up through the cracks in the road — reminders all that Nature always has the final say. Indeed, no matter how much mankind burned or bulldozed or built, all would ultimately cave to Nature’s more fitting whims … Modern man still talks of battling with Nature or besieging Her, all while obviously forgetting that, even if he could hope to win that self-made conflict, he would ever find himself on the losing side … as such it is obvious to anyone not blinded by hubris that the future of humanity will only be truly bright once it finally chooses to cease striving to prove that Nature can be outwitted, and to start living in ways that enhance Her beauty and respect Her seniority.” ~ inspired by Pamela Crane, E. F. Schumacher, & E. B. White