Day 59p: A most amorous Alan … (06/12/2019)

The hospitaleras in the Abbey Gite were less than welcoming to me at first (they just couldn’t comprehend anyone walking that far without any money and without any ID), and yet the more I explained my Walk for Peace to them, the more they warmed to the idea of keeping me around … πŸ™‚

Hospitalero Alan had been busy elsewhere, and thus met me a bit later than the rest. He heard what I was up to, “got it” right away, and proved to be the kindest of the bunch — speaking with me at length about my Walk and going out of his way to make me feel fully at home … πŸ˜€

β€œA purposeful act of kindness to another is never wasted, for it forever resides in the hearts of all nearby — those to whom it is given, those doing the giving thereof, and all those witnessing the same.” ~ inspired by Molly Friedenfeld

P.S. Here is the sign that was boldly posted on the hostel’s front door: “The question of money must never prevent a pilgrim from being welcomed.” … BOOM! πŸ˜€