Day 59o: Death on the Doorstep … (06/12/2019)

The donativo hostel in Conques was located right next door to the church, and as such was easy to find and even easier to approach. And as I did so I noticed right away that it was ornate, impressively clean, and indeed quite large — large enough to provide yours truly with a spontaneously reasonable hope that I might obtain a bed there for the night. And yet I did pause briefly at its front door and wonder about the eleven empty 6th century stone coffins resting directly across the way … :O ( 😀 )

“Love taught me to die with dignity to my own lusts & fears, that I might come forth anew in a more finely splendored living. Born first of flesh, then again of mind of a blazing spiritual fire, I became reborn the third and final time the moment I chose to make my life about bringing peace to all the others I was to meet along the way.” ~ inspired by Aberjhani