Day 59j: The rest of every Resting … (06/12/2019)

“The is in truth a great purpose to our times of rest & recuperation, and yet it is not the great purpose most commonly embraced. Indeed, it is possible to rest in times of weariness (or recover in times of injury or illness) and come to a place of increased energy or health or comfort. And yet on a grander scale this is not at all what rest & recuperation is about. For we are more than mere human beings; more than mere fleshly machines striving to live as well and as long as possible. We are in actuality beings with a far greater potential — the potential to become Human Beings instead. And to do so we must first re-fashion the way we approach rest & recuperation — releasing them from being mere goals for the self, and seeing them instead as periods of empowerment; an empowerment designed to not change ourselves for the better, but thereby change our world for the better as well.” ~ inspired by Awdhesh Singh