Day 59i: A most serendipitous Salvation … (06/12/2019)

The Way was wearing on me more than a bit this afternoon, with an empty belly causing me to feel a bit dizzy with doubt, and a re-injured right hip inspiring me to quite slowly limp along. I wasn’t that concerned for my whereabouts or my well-being mind you — I knew deep down that I was going to be fine and that I was going to “make it” to the end of this next day, and yet I will freely admit that this inner assuredness didn’t stop the tears from welling up when Cindy (who I had only just met the previous morning in St. Come, when she had kindly offered to share her breakfast with me before setting out) overtook me on the trail — and who then gave me a sack lunch; a sack lunch that she had purchased for me earlier that day, and a sack lunch that she had carried with her the whole way ever since — Just in case she might meet me on the trail and find me “in need” … :O

Well Cindy, my dear, find me “in need” you did — and inspire in me a tearful, Soul-filled gratitude you did as well … 😀

“Take away Love and your Earth becomes but a tomb. Reinsert a caring kindness and that same Earth becomes your salvation.” ~ via Robert Browning

*Pictured alongside Cindy is Mike, whose glasses I had “saved” only the day before. Interestingly enough, this is the moment when Mike & Cindy first met, and they became fast Friends almost immediately thereafter; walking the rest of The Way together, often laughing and often side by side — right up until Cindy’s Camino came to an end in the city of Condom, some 10 days later.