Day 59k: Coming into Conques … (06/12/2019)

And so it was that hobbled along the longer-yet-smoother alternate route into the stunningly beautiful city of Conques — flowing first above & past the mini-metropolis down below, and then doubling back and downward; eventually entering the township proper via a snugly aligned, cobblestone-paved, and moss-dripped alleyway that seemed to come straight from a medieval movie … :O

“One of the most beautiful things we can experience is awe-filled wonderment; the inspirational source of all true art and all meaningful science. He or she to whom wonder is a stranger, he or she who can no longer pause in the face of the everyday and stand there wrapped in awe, he or she is as good as dead — eyes closed, intelligence hampered, Soul muted, potential stilled.” ~ inspired by Albert Einstein