Day 58m: More than a mere Model … (06/11/2019)

It was frankly hard to believe that the town of Estaing was even real as I rounded a bend in the trail and saw its majestically medieval spires rising up before me — right out of a King Arthur movie, that vision was, truly … 😀

“The castle, and all it represents, will be with us for a time. In truth, the very minute the first fortress was born, the very instant its stone buttresses were made living, its repository of brute force made real, the idea would be almost impossible to unmake. Indeed, even if all the castles of all the world were destroyed overnight, in the minds of most modern-day men they would all be built anew; the wizard called imagination and the sorcerer called fear would come together and once more raise thick walls and high towers out of the ruins. As long as we are enmeshed in the myth that might makes right and as long as we cling to the delusion that strength brings safety, castles will be among us, keeping both progress and enlightenment locked up tight within them.” ~ via David Day