Day 58n: Divining with Dion … (06/11/2019)

Yes, the medieval city of Estaing was stunningly beautiful, and yes, the employee in the tourist information center was kind enough to let me send out a quick email update for free (to all my friends & family who had been following The Walk online), and yes, I was able to meet back up with a handful of the pilgrim friends I had met over the course of the past few days, AND YET by far my favorite moment in Estaing was none of the aforementioned. For by far my most cherished memory of my few hours in Estaing was the time I spent sitting with Dion Indigo. A fellow pilgrim who treated me to a delicious espresso, yes, and yet also a fellow pilgrim who far more importantly treated me to a heavy ladling of respect and encouragement and friendship … 😀

“Friendship is not a thin smile sent or a friendly word mumbled or a sweet promise half-given. No, real Friendship is shown by those who walk with you and alongside you and indeed for you. Friendship cannot ever come packaged in fuzzy thoughts or warm feelings or passionate words. No, my friends — real Friendship is always Kindness set in motion. Real Friendship is either a verb, or it is nothing.” ~ inspired by John Maiorana