Day 57e: The mysticism in the Moss … (06/10/2019)

I have always loved moss — the glowing viridescence of its hue, the ubiquitous way it covers banks and trees and river stones and pathways, the softness of its feel underfoot, the earthy smell with which it imbues the surrounding air, the way it wraps all sound up in a blanket of pseudo-silence — in essence, the way it gently demands that all those passing nearby remember and indeed honor their inherent interconnection with it all … 🙂

“But along with the feelings of interdependence & ineffability, the conviction that some profound & greater Truth has been disclosed to you is a hallmark of any mystical experience. And this is so regardless of whether that knowing has been occasioned via drug or fasting or deprivation or pilgrimage. It is the re-cognition that people feel when they have been let in once more on the deepest secret of the Universe — the renewed conviction of innate Oneness that cannot in any way be fully shaken thereafter.” ~ inspired by Michael Pollan