Day 57d: Unquenchable in the Rain … (06/10/2019)

I was walking through a quite lush and lovely forest when the rains started to fall. And it was just at that moment that I also spotted a sign for “Ecologite Sarbonnel” just off the side of the path. The rains were falling pretty thickly at this point, and the sign said that the Gite was located 500m down a side trail, and yet intuition was screaming loudly that I should take the detour and check it out, so that is what I did — walking what turned out to be about a full kilometer into the rainforest, finding an abandoned Gite Sarbonnel (which apparently catered to an upper-crust, ecologically-friendly clientele, and which was closed for that particular day) at trail’s end, explaining my Walk briefly to Thierry — the co-owner of said establishment, and then accepting his invitation to come inside and sit for awhile with his dog Sherpa and bond over warm bread and even warmer conversation (about service and peace and kindness and community) … 😀

“Real and lasting Love is essentially a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning its flame might be hot and fierce, but it is still only a compilation of light and flickering. And yet as this Love grows over time, hearts become calmer and more mature, and Love becomes as the older bonfire’s coals: penetrating and deep-burning and unquenchable.” ~ inspired by Bruce Lee

P.S. Just before I left, Thierry graciously took me into his basement and gave me one of his rain ponchos … 😀