Day 56n: Walking the 10/10th’s of the Law … (06/09/2019)

Fittingly enough, shortly after appropriately bemoaning the plight of so many of my bovine friends, I came across a relatively large herd — watched over by a relatively large bull — of dairy cows; all of them sitting or standing right in the middle of The Way … :O … Just as appropriately, I and my fellow pilgrims chose to leave them all be and created a new path by walking up and around their chosen place of repose … 🙂

“Possession might indeed be 9/10th’s of the law, and yet honor and respect comprise a Law that is far more worthy. Legal opinions alter, legal manners change, and legal creeds rise and fall, and yet the utmost Moral Law of decency is written — indelible and unchanging — on both the hearts of humankind and the tablets of eternity.” ~ inspired by John Acton

P.S. Just as fittingly, I once again left the gate open as I departed their place of admittedly lush (though sadly short-lived) confinement … 🙂