Day 56m: An open-air Alcatraz … (06/09/2019)

It was standard practice for me to pause every time I passed a herd of dairy cows — to offer my heartfelt apologies at the violent death that awaited them all, and to encourage them all to make a unified run for freedom; to break through the nearest fence-line and hide away in the nearest copse of trees. I knew that my apologies and pleas mostly fell on ears deafened by small levels of intelligence combined with high levels of physical comfort, and yet it always gave me a small measure of hope to champion their cause nonetheless …

And as such it proved to be most depressing indeed when I came across this particular herd — imprisoned in a rock-walled paddock through which even a hypothetical escape was completely impossible. Indeed, these particular (and particularly beautiful) beings didn’t even have the same 0.001% chance of a Good Life with which all my previously encountered (and previously warned) bovine cousins had been blessed. These particular beings were indeed without question doomed to die — to die quite soon, and to die most brutally … 🙁

“Love isn’t in any way compatible with slavery, torture and murder. Regardless of how you choose to define the concepts of ‘spirituality’ or ‘decency’ or ‘justice’ or ‘morality’, I can guarantee you that your definitions aren’t in any way compatible with the intentional infliction of violence upon innocent beings. Indeed, it makes no sense whatsoever to see yourself as a protector of this planet while you are simultaneously an exploiter of Earth’s most vulnerable inhabitants. In truth you cannot be against oppression and discrimination and bigotry and cruelty if you even faintly support the biggest system of oppression — underpinned by the most widespread form of discrimination — that has ever existed on this planet. And if any of the previous statements seemed extreme or unreasonable to you, it’s just because you’ve become fully accustomed to your own blatant hypocrisy.” ~ via Nic (“Vegan for Life”)