Day 56o: Strolling through the ignorance … (06/09/2019)

This was a particularly long (35+ km) day of walking — especially compared to most of the other earlier days of my pilgrimage, and yet I flowed onward anyway; knowing as I did so that my own current trek (no matter how astounding or incredible or exhausting) still paled in comparison to the much longer journey still faced by humanity — namely, the walk we simply must one day make both through & past the six main pillars of ignorance (racism, sexism, homophobia, religious exclusivism, political corruption, and the enslavement & consumption of animals) that still fully cloud our potentially peaceful horizon.

“Real change might begin internally, and yet real change only becomes real & viable through action. The change in the within indeed produces the change in the without, and yet it is choice to enliven the latter that gives the former its worth. In this vein, to merely travel from place to place does not count as real change unless it inspires a change of mind — a change of mind that produces a simultaneous change in behavior. It is the change of mind that is the change desired, and yet it is the change in action that is the real change. It is this conscious alteration of motion that produces a truly better health, a truly greater power, and a truly thicker sense of contentment & peace. And this regular renewal of mind — coming solely & essentially from a daily change of behaviors — is always possible; regardless of one’s times, circumstances, or places. He who can alter his deeds every day and thereby enliven the new about everything about him will always be deeply well; he will always have a deeper happiness; he will always be truly free; his life will always be scintillatingly interesting; and he will constantly move smoothly through his here & now into the larger, the richer, and the more beautiful.” ~ inspired by Christian D. Larson