Day 54a: Retreating into the Wind … (06/07/2019)

Madeleine had chosen to bring her small dog (Loca) with her for the walk, and was extremely concerned about the supposedly huge storm that was scheduled to hit south-central France on this day*, so we decided to head back to Le Puy instead — allowing her to spiritually soak alone in the Le Puy cathedral awhile (while I waited outside and engaged Sister Elisee, a local nun, in some wonderful conversation about my Walk and the Way**), and allowing me to engage the one Le Puy attraction I had not been able to experience during my previous visit — namely, walking the 268-stair mini-pilgrimage up to the St. Michel chapel that overlooks the city, if not the entire valley … :O 😀

“There is nothing so secular that it cannot become sacred.” ~ via Madeleine L’Engle

*The storm did arrive by mid-morning, and yet it was not at all the monstrous gale that was promised, and I thoroughly enjoyed walking through its winds to the top of St. Michel’s dome … 😉

**It was this conversation that inspired Sister Elisee to speak with her superiors and obtain the free pass that allowed me to enter the St. Michel chapel at all … 🙂