Day 54b: Centered atop the Sacred … (06/07/2019)

The tiny chapel of St. Michel wasn’t the most ornately decorated or architecturally astounding church in which I prayditated* during my Walk, and yet its ambience was indeed nothing short of “holy”, and my offerings of Gratitude and Resolve resounded quite powerfully off its hallowed walls … 🙂

“The person with a secular mentality feels himself to be the center of the Universe. And yet he is likely to suffer from a sense of meaninglessness and insignificance because he also knows he is but one human among billions – most of whom scratching out a more than meager existence on the surface of a medium-sized planet circling a small star among countless other stars immersed in a galaxy lost amongst countless of other galaxies … The rare person with the sacred mentality, on the other hand, does not feel herself to be the center of the Universe at all. Instead, she accepts the truth that the Universe has no center — or rather, has an infinite number of centers. And she feels neither lost nor insignificant while doing so, precisely because she draws her significance and meaning from her relationship with others — from her humble and active honoring of the Universal Center that resides in the heart of anyone & everyone nearby.” ~ inspired by M. Scott Peck

*I myself am a devout agnostic — believing wholeheartedly that no human being has access to (or has ever had access to) anything even faintly resembling an objective knowledge of what many call “the Divine” or “God.” That having been said, I do still pause in places of calm solitude &/or sacredness to “prayditate” — an otherwise indescribable combination of what some call “praying” and others “meditating.” I do so not to wish for anything in particular or manifest any particular hope or outcome, but simply to openly affirm a heartfelt thanks for the life I have been given, and re-affirm my staunch resolve to continue selflessly serving and radically caring for others for the rest of whatever days I might be given … 😉